New publication: Dr. Vinod Talgeri

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Get slim with the wisdom of

Indian food and lifestyle culture

Vinod Talgeri

 Release date: Spring 2024


Further publications and scientific articles
(Health, Nutrition & Exercise)


1. [HEHE] Heseker H., Heseker B., Nährstoffe in Lebensmitteln, Germany

Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse, “Der Stoffwechsel-Kompass“ (Spiegel 
                estseller), Ullstein Verlag, Germany

3. [IFFS] Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse, “Für Fitness ist es nie zu spät“, ZS Verlag,

4. [IFTS] Prof. Dr. Ingo Froböse, “Das Turbo-Stoffwechsel-Prinzip“, GU- GRÄFE
                UND UNZER VERLAG, Germany

5. [MWBW] Bewegung: Dr. Müller-Wohlfahrt, „Das Lebenselixier für unsere
                     Gesundheit“ (Spiegel-Bestseller), Insel Verlag, Germany

6. [PSMR] Prof. Dr. Pablo Steinberg, Präsident Maxus-Rubner-Institut,
                    Karlsruhe, Germany

7. [STZE] "Bewegung bewirkt Wunder im Kopf" Stuttgarter Zeitung: Bericht von
                   28. August 2022, Germany

8. [TSVP] Thomas Schnura, Beitrag: Verband Freier Psychotherapeuten e.V.,
                   Nienburg/Weser, Germany

9. [DOVI] Doreen Virtue, Kristall-Therapie, Ullstein Verlag, Berlin, Germany


1. [JAPA] Dr. Jayshree Panjikar, Gemologist, CEO Pangemtech – Panjikar
                 Gem Research & Tech Institute, Pune
, India

2. [PATE] Pangemtech-Webseite, Dr. Jayshree Panjikar, Pune, India



1. [MIGR] Michael Greger, “How not to Diet”, Michael Herschel Greger
                 Arzt, Trophologe, USA

[BODE] Bobby & Dessi Parish, “Keto Meal Prep”, Mango Publishing,   
                 Coral Gables, Florida, USA

3. [AMRA] Amy Ramos, “Ketogenic Diet for Beginners”, USA

4. [BJCH] Bettina F. Piko, Judit Bak, Children's perceptions of health and
                 illness, NHL,
Bethesda, Maryland 20894, USA

5. [BRKL] Brad Klontz Psy.D., CFP, Psychology Today, New York, USA

6.[NESH] Neil H. Shear, MD, Use of Antibiotics and Risk of Cancer, Website:
                JAMA Network, Chicago, USA



One of the greatest risks in the life is, the risk of thinking too small